TikTok Takeover!

 Hey all! Welcome back to Days of Dani! This week's blog will be all about TikTok. I want to talk about all the elements of the app and how to create a business TikTok account, but first let's dive into how TikTok came about! 

TikTok is a video-sharing social media platform used to make various videos that have a duration of up to 10 minutes. Initially released in China in 2016, TikTok is owned by Chinese company ByteDance and attracted over 100 million users in just one year. Crazy right? I am one of the millions that will plan to sit down for a couple of minutes to watch some videos and ends up scrolling for hours watching video after video😅.. After it's takeoff, TikTok became worldwide after merging with the Chinese social media service Musical.ly in August of 2018 and by October of the same year became the third most-downloaded app in the world. It's one of the fastest-growing social media platforms globally and was the most downloaded app from 2019-2023! As of 2023, the platform has reported over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide and ranked 6th among all social media platforms, ahead of Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter. 

There are so many different elements to TikTok that can really build up your presence on the app, elements including the sounds and stories you create. TikTok has a wide arrange of songs and sounds available for creators to use in their videos. Songs are organized by genre, popularity, trends, and more. You are also able to create original sounds that range from singing to voice-overs to commentary to music mashups. Stories also have a lot to offer. You want to have a beginning, a middle, and an ending to all the stories you create on TikTok and there are so many types of videos to share! 

Since TikTok is such a fast-growing platform, it would be crazy to not want to grow your business using this app. A TikTok business account is where brands can easily set up a profile, build their presence on the app and grow their business through different tools that are available to them. Some of the tools you are able to utilize include: adding information about the business, including a website and contact information, making data-driven decisions through real-time metrics on content performance, access analytics such as follower insights, profile views, video metrics, and more. 

After discovering all of these awesome tools, are you ready to set up your own business TikTok account? Let me go through three easy steps to creating one with you! The first step is to get on the app. Download the app from the App store or Google Play store and register with your information. After this first step, you'll want to set up a free business account. In doing so you'll click on the top right of the "Me" page, then click "Manage my account" and select "Business Account" under the "Switch to Pro Account" option. After doing that you'll want to select the category that best fits your business and you're all set 😁! 

I loved getting to talk all things TikTok with you all today and I hope some of the information was helpful. Thank you for visiting the blog today and I will catch you here next time on Days of Dani!😆


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